New Puppy Survival Guide: What to Do With a New Puppy
Written on March 15, 2024

When you first get a new puppy, you will need to take time to introduce them to not only your house but also anyone who lives in it. Crafting a lasting relationship and teaching them how to adapt in a new environment are key ways to make your new canine family member feel more at home. A puppy boot camp can help this great start set the tone for the wonderful years ahead.
Look at Their Level
It helps to prepare your house before a puppy arrives so that you know they are not at risk of nibbling on a dangerous wire or other harmful object and scaring themselves. Before any new canine friends come home, crouch down and look at things from their point of view. Take notice of all the places small dogs could get into so you better understand what to check for and put away from their reach.

Nurture a Positive Bond
Socialization for puppies starts as soon as they enter a new home. During those important first days, you should make sure to often praise your new pet verbally, encourage them to explore but also maintain key boundaries you want in place down the road as they grow and mature. Begin to create daily routines and set time aside for exercise and engagement.
If you choose a boot camp for them, you can find a personalized solution for any issues you may start to notice and create a solid foundation for your puppy. As they get older and meet more new people and animals, these strange scenarios will not bother them as much with this professional help.
Prepare for Biting
With 65.1 million households in America housing a dog, these are the most popular animals to keep as pets. The busyness of your daily life with work and family may make it hard to personally teach your puppy not to chew on your personal items.
Dogs tend to bite and gnaw on pieces of furniture near them, such as tables and sofas, if not properly trained. Getting proper training means puppies learn from the start to leave these items alone.

Pay Attention to Basic Needs
The thrill of a new dog may excite you so much that creating a solid schedule is not on your mind. However, this kind of structure in a puppy’s day gives them a way to know when they should eat, play, potty and sleep. Your puppy will thrive in a fun environment to pick up on these key aspects of their new life.
Americans taking care of pets spent an estimated $99 billion on them in 2020. From cute outfits to dog training instruction, providing the right experiences for your new puppy can help them adjust to the exciting and loving life they have ahead of them.
Help Them Understand What You Want
Part of being a supporting pet owner includes making sure to reinforce the right behavior. Being especially kind to your new pet when they complete a task correctly is one way to make them feel calmer around you and other people in the house. Since this young dog is still absorbing instruction and trying to understand how to act in some scenarios, rewarding them with treats when they do something good is a great idea.
Although some puppies may feel comfortable right away in their new abode, others may not warm up as quickly. Showing your puppy the place they will sleep and allowing them to explore these places and items first before settling in for bed may help. By being deliberate about what you do and reinforcing the behavior you want to see, you allow them to settle into their new life and feel secure.

Keep Your Spirits Up
While it is necessary to mostly focus on the dog during this time, you should also notice how you feel. A puppy may seem uncomfortable if you appear worried. Building your confidence as a new dog owner, learning how to be a great dog parent and pack leader will help you greatly. By looking into puppy boot camps, you can help yourself feel at peace about the future and make sure your pet is well-socialized and can relax around both other dogs and humans.
Taking the time to read more about what young puppies typically need is one way to feel confident during this time. No matter what challenges you face, tackling them with a sense of purpose and serenity can help you stay focused on what matters most.
Enjoy Their New Behavior
Going through a puppy boot camp is one smart way a new addition to the family can get used to life with people in a house. If you want to learn more about this kind of class, Specialty Dog Training can help. Contact us online today to get more information about puppy boot camp and training.