Shelter to Soldier Needs Your Support
Written on October 3, 2012
We want to thank everyone for their positive feedback and support for our non-profit, Shelter to Soldier. We are so excited to help many dogs and soldiers in need through this program! Shelter to Soldier has already achieved more exposure than anticipated and we have military men and women in need that we will help. In order to do so, we need donations. Being a private non-profit, we rely on individuals and corporations to sponsor our program. Each dog becomes a part of our STS family and we provide housing, a good quality diet, treats & bones, medical care and of course high end dog training.
Last night I met yet another Marine that’s story touched me. He broke his neck and had multiple other life threatening injuries. The doctors told him he wouldn’t walk again and he was lucky to be alive. Not only is he alive and walking, he was in a break dance class rockin it!! My son was in the same class and truly admired this hero as do I. While speaking with this gentlemen, he said he has tried to acquire a service dog multiple times and has either been denied or been put on a “list”. He is one of many veterans that deserves a service companion and I want to help make his dream come true. I want to accept him, not deny him. I want to make him a part of our STS family, not put him on a “list”. He is one of many veterans I have had the pleasure of meeting recently that has been through too much and need a canine companion. Just 2 days before this I spoke to a good friend of a 21 year old marine that stood on an IED and lost both of his legs just weeks ago…He is a fighter and working through this difficult time but a service companion would improve his quality of life greatly!
Please support us in saving dogs and helping soldiers by visiting our page and donating. We will be updating our site and FB with success stories, pictures and videos along the way.
With sincere appreciation!