Meet Simba, a very cute and handsome male English Cream Golden Retriever puppy. Simba was born 4/7/22 and he’s a larger golden. He’s a confident boy with a sweet personality, and loves cuddling as much as he loves playing! And with that soft, white coat, he is an excellent cuddler! Simba will be a great addition to any family. He will be ready to go home between 8-12 months of age, depending on your needs and wants. Our puppies in this age range come with the following: House manners, crate trained, socialized (kids, adults, dogs, environmental), advanced on leash obedience (sit, down, stay, heel, come, place, leave it, off, free, up), intermediate off-leash obedience, car manners and just an all around well prepared young adolescent dog. He will also have the ability to pass a Canine Good Citizen Test (CGC) and we recommend this test as its included at no additional charge.
Contact us today to learn more about our pre-trained family companions.