Specialty Dog Training on KUSI’s “Good Business San Diego”

Written on June 11, 2024

Imagine a loyal companion who not only brings joy to your family but also ensures your safety. Catch Graham Bloem, the owner and CEO of Specialty Dog Training, on “Good Business San Diego” as he delves into specially trained dogs for home and business security. At Specialty Dog Training, these dogs are not only trained to protect using their keen senses and loyalty but also to be family-friendly with impeccable manners. 

With rising concerns over burglaries and home invasions, demand for these protection dogs has surged. The program also includes comprehensive training for owners, covering everything from basic commands to advanced handling techniques, to ensure proper integration.  

One of our clients shared how her protection dog quickly became a beloved family member while providing unparalleled security. “Our dog has brought us peace of mind and fits perfectly into our daily lives.” 

Discover our Protection Dog Programs today and see how we can help you protect what matters most!